Code to Text Ratio Checker

Small SEO Tool

Code to Text Ratio Checker

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About Code to Text Ratio Checker

The Code to Text Ratio Checker tool is a quick way to check your text for the right amount of code, HTML and CSS. It's an easy way to see if you're putting too much code in your document or not enough, and it works in any editor or IDE.

The Code to Text Ratio Checker checks the number of lines of code, HTML or CSS that need to be included in your document against the number of words (or characters) in your text. The tool works by counting how many times a particular line appears across all documents — so it doesn't matter where the line appears within a document or whether there are other lines surrounding it on each end).

A code-to-text ratio checker tool is a great way to make sure that your content is readable and engaging. It allows you to see how much of your text is actually being read by visitors, so that you can adjust accordingly.

With this tool, you'll be able to:

Calculate the total number of words in your article or blog post and compare it with the number of times those words are used throughout the piece. This will tell you whether people are reading more than one sentence per word or if they're just skimming through quickly without paying attention at all. The latter scenario could indicate that your content isn't interesting enough for readers — which means they won't keep coming back!

The Code to Text Ratio Checker tool is a simple way to determine the code-to-text ratio of your pages. This tool uses the Google PageSpeed Insights API and it checks the code on your site against their recommendations for speed and performance.

The tool calculates the ratio based on two factors: DOM size and JS execution time. The DOM size is determined by taking all HTML elements found in your document (not including HEAD), adding up their CSS widths and heights, then dividing this sum by 100000 (which represents 1%). The JavaScript execution time is determined by taking all external scripts found in your document (including any script tags within body) and timing how long each one executes after being fetched from its source location