Keyword Density Checker - Free Online Keyword Density Tool

Small SEO Tool

Keyword Density Checker

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About Keyword Density Checker

The Keyword Density Checker can assist you in determining the keyword density of your web page.
Enter words or a URL and our tool will examine the density of your text in the same way that a search engine would.


Did you know that the percentage of times a keyword occurs on your web page in relation to the total amount of words on that page can affect the page's ranking?

Yes, and it's called "Keyword Density."

If you use a keyword or phrase too frequently, search engines will certainly penalise your site. If you do too little, search engines may not pick up on enough signals to rank the website for that certain phrase.

Simply put, for the best search performance, you should optimise your keyword density. Neither too much nor too little!

It turns out you'll need the assistance of a reliable tool. That's why we created this Keyword Density Checker tool.



Using the URL of a web page, you can use our service to vet content right from the page.

If the content has not yet been published online, you can copy and paste it into the "TEXT" section given by the programme.

If this is the case for you, we would like to clarify unequivocally that we DO NOT STORE OR VIEW YOUR CONTENT. Your privacy is extremely important to us, and we respect it.



Keyword Density Checker is a tool designed specifically to calculate the keyword density of any web page.

The Small SEO Tools development team designed the tool after seeing that some marketers were still loading their content with keywords without even realising it. This harmed their websites because Google does not want you to stuff keywords into your content unnecessarily. This tool is ideal for resolving that issue. It lets you evaluate an entire web page by utilising its URL or a portion of text by copying and pasting.

Our Term Density tool, however, does more than just calculate keyword density. It truly searches for and analyses ALL of the top keywords used on the page or text under consideration, and displays the following metrics for improved SEO performance and effective content optimization:

The number of keywords on that page in total.
If you're evaluating a URL, the page load time.
A tag cloud that lists all of the keywords found on the examined page or text.
Top keywords used in the content, frequency counts, and indicators indicating whether the keywords have a title, description, or.
Keyword density for each keyword or phrase used in the investigated text, including frequency and % usage.