Keywords Suggestion Tool

Small SEO Tool

Keywords Suggestion Tool

Enter your keyword

About Keywords Suggestion Tool

The Keyword Suggestion Tool is a simple tool that allows you to enter in a keyword or phrase and get suggested keywords. The tool also gives you an idea of how many people are searching for those terms, how much competition there is, and which countries they come from. You can then add these into your marketing strategy accordingly.

The Keyword Suggestion Tool takes the guesswork out of finding good keywords for your site or blog post so that you can focus on other important aspects of SEO like content creation and promotion!
The tool will help you find the right keywords for your website. The tool analyzes more than 200 million searches per day, so it’s able to give you a good idea of how effective certain words are when it comes to generating traffic from search engines.

The tool allows you to enter up to 100 different keywords into the system. You can then see how many times each term has been searched for and what percentage of those searches resulted in visitors clicking through to your site.

This tool will help you determine which terms are most likely to be searched, and how often they're being searched. It also gives you an idea of what kind of volume a particular term gets in your industry or business sector.