www Redirect Checker tool

Small SEO Tool

www Redirect Checker

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About www Redirect Checker

The www Redirect Checker tool checks whether your site is redirecting visitors to another site or domain. The tool also helps you identify any broken links that might be causing this problem.

The checker works by looking up the visitor's IP address and checking it against a list of known redirects. If there's no match, then the visitor has been redirected somewhere else on the web (most likely). If there is a match, then it means that your website has been re-directed through another server (or worse).

The Redirect Checker tool is a simple but powerful way to find out if your site has been moved. You can enter the URL of any page on your website and this tool will tell you if that page still exists in the same place (or vice versa).

This is an extremely useful tool for those who want to make sure their content is being seen by visitors or customers, as well as those who are looking for duplicate content within their own site. It's also helpful for those who want to ensure that their redirects are working properly and not leading people into dead ends.